If you are interested in purchasing any of these fabulous pieces of art please contact sales@hivegallery.com.NOTE: posted artworks may be SOLD so please check on availability with curator. Refresh Art For Sale Past Art for Sale » November 2018 Gail Zone “Hollywood” 6x12 $100. Kindred Gottlieb “Read Me” 5x5x3 $160. Skyler Gonzalez “Skull of Life” 10x10x7 $250. Danelle Vierkant “Deity” 6x10 NFS David Meng “Thaal Hrarkfetel” $1950. Keisuke Yoneyama “SIGMA” 12x4x3 $350 The Kentax “Blue Skull” $150 Jinx “The Death Dealer” $80. Jinx “The Keeper” $80. Jinx “The Golden One.” $80. Sunol Golden “Divinity Gauntlet” 7x7x11 $485. Michael Koehler Elder Canyon Percher Mask (Swamp Variant) 12” x 12” $350 Michael Koehler THE FUNGAL LORD, STROBILUM ZAIAR 9” x 12” $800 Calivin Lo Nathan Cartwright “Earth Magick” 18x18” $2400 Kenneth Okoduina “Protector” $1000 Abby Belle “Nosferatu” $60 Monique Ligons “Red Devil” 5x8 $250 Kent Caldwell “Fungus Tree” $80 Kent Caldwell “Gate” $90 Kent Caldwell “Enki” $110 Brandon Micah Rowe “Black Cat #2: Cat’s Cradle” $50 Cig Neutron “Le’Pad” $800 Vitali Gambaroff “My Daughter and Queen” $11,800 Nicole Pecson Ghost of Lady Tremaine 4"x8" $275 Benjamin Ploughman Wendy Gadzuk “Vanity” 16x28 $750. Joe Holliday 8”x8”x8” $350.00 EACH Joe Holliday 33°25'9.06"N 115° 6'12.18"W 8”x8”x8” $350.00 Dave Lovejoy “Station to Station” $800 Kat Bones “Killer Klown” Ceramic $300 Stephania Gambaroff “Together” $900◄123...6►