If you are interested in purchasing any of these fabulous pieces of art please contact sales@hivegallery.com.NOTE: posted artworks may be SOLD so please check on availability with curator. Refresh Art For Sale Past Art for Sale » November 2018 Zard Apuya "Pho" $300 Tamara Page "3,309,187,600” 12x18 $400 Tamara Page "Objet D’ART 2” 5.25x11 $250 Tamara Page "A Lamp Unto My Feet” 8x16 $200ea/350 for the pair Tamara Page "Naphthali" 8x12 $280 Tamara Page "Adoratio” 4x10 $350 Tamara Page "A Lamp Unto My Feet” 8x16 $200ea/350 for the pair Tamara Page "Fides est Fortis” 6x10 $350 Tamara Page "Ringtail Skull" 5x6 $180 Tamara Page “Iubilate Deo” 6x12 $75 Tamara Page "Factum EST” 6x12 $75 Tamara Page "Gratia Plena” 11x18 $1200 Tamara Page "Milagros de Nuestro Tiempo” 6x12 $100 Tamara Page "Against Her Better Judgement She Lookes Back” 6x12 $100 Tamara Page "Faith” 6x12 $50 Tamara Page "Hand Up or Hand Out” 9x15 $100 Zombienose “Daphne” 8x10 $325 Anthony Stewart "Work Horse" 23x20" $5000 Tamara Page "Ora Pro Nobis” 8x10 $350 Zard Apuya "Tonkotsu Ramen" $300 Chad Knapik “The Guard” 12x8x7 $550 Chad Knapik “The Drain” 15x9x4 $550 John Mahoney “Aracrid” 18x12x12 $300. Mari Shimizu “Death and a Maiden” $1200 GMONIK “Corporate Juggernaut” $650 Viktor Robinson “Social Media” 13x10 $800 Aeon Black “Glory” $400 Starskee Suave “Untitled (Fenestrated Hexahedron)” 16,5x14.5x14.5 $300. Aeon Black “Misery” $400 Jeremy Gregory “Little Beezle Buddy” 7”x7” $3200. *resign cast available upon request 150 Unpainted 250 Painted Chet Zar “Devil’s Head Plaque” $275 Melissa Ebbe “Night Mare” 12x15x12 $800. Tokyo Jesus “Gaki AP” $95 Arian Lobon “Crystal Fox” $350.12...6►