The Hive Gallery
When Nathan Cartwright opened the Hive Gallery and Studios two years ago, he wanted it to be more than just another art gallery. He envisioned the long, narrow storefront in the Historic Core as more art community than commercial endeavor. In fact, he imagined the space would function a bit like its namesake: a beehive. Spend a few minutes at the Hive and it’s obvious that Cartwright (who refers to himself as “the queen bee”) got exactly what he wanted. The 3,500-square-foot gallery, which is haphazardly divided into zones for exhibition, installation, performance and studio, buzzes with activity. Specializing in “pop surreal” art, the Hive opens a new group show on the first Saturday of every month. At 729 S. Spring St., (213) 955-9051 or thehivegallery.com.-LL
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