This weeks artist spotlight shines brightly on the Hive’s newest resident artist Defective Barbie (Christina Leta) and her refreshing take on surreal portraits. Christians work has been featured in solo and group exhibitions throughout the west coast and internationally in Queensland Art Gallery in Brisbane Australia, and in numerous printed and online publications including Volition Magazine, Relish, Southwest Art, Vice, The Creators Project and the LIA Project.
Artist Statement:
“Eyes are often considered to be windows or mirrors of the soul. These portraits embody a connection of the reality and imagination, linking celestial bodies to fragile and temporary human forms. Abstract concepts of self and perception are represented by the swirls and textures obscuring the eyes in each artwork. The surreal elements are splattered with stars, symbolizing and universe to represent the soul or inner world of the subject to create a portrait of self the reveals the unseen elements of psychology. Human consciousness is more than gender, skin color, culture or belief can describe. Both foreign and familiar, the unknown equalizes us all and seeing ourselves in unexpected ways, reflected in watercolor, acrylic and pastels, can constructively disrupt our senses, and reveal ourselves more clearly; clearer than reflective glass, binary code or helix can capture. Beneath the paint and texture is a reminder of how judgement is made with perception, not just our eyes.”