April 2016- 11 Year Anniversary show
100 artists to exhibit at this show!!!
Opening April 9th
Runs: April 9th – April 30th
$5 suggested donation on opening night (Donations help keep the Hive Alive)
10% off drinks at Peking Tavern
Hive Swag Giveaway: bee amongst the first attendees to our Anniversary show on the 9th and recieve some cool, free goods!
Featured Artist 1: Eric Hamm
Featured Artist 2: Joseph Lee
Small Wall: Nathan Cartwright “The Elements in LA”
BEST OF THE HIVE: A large group show of artists who have been featured at The Hive Gallery in the past or near very future
Salah / Jason Hadley / TEWSR / Yoko D’ Holbachie / Preston Craig / Bill Solomon / Shoghi Castel De Oro / Yesenia Lopez / Jose Carabes / Nicholas Knudson / Cody Seekins / Sayuka Bloodstone / Joon Alvarado / Farida Lam / Brian Schetzsle / Chet Zar / NC Winters / Zara Kand / Peter Goode / Gregory Rodriguez / Preston Thomas / Pamela Mower-Conner / L.Croskey / Rick Frausto / Apricot Mantle / Deirdre Sullivan-Beeman / Steven Lopez / Clinton Neuhaus / Melany Meza-Dierks / Celene Petrulak / Nate Seubert / Darcy Yates / Sunny Jin / Sean Ghobad / Kristina Drake / GMONIK / Henry T Cram / Anthony Stewart / Emma Rose Laughlin / Jeremy Gregory / Xian Pitt / Eric Fabbro / Ted Von Heiland / Stacey Alexander / Myron Dyal / Orion / Timothy Robert Smith /
Anna Chung / Loutka / Tokyo Jesus / Eimi Takano / Lizz Lopez / Deanna Adonna / Irene Garcia / Bill McEvoy / Jophen Stein / McBiff / Joe Kowalcyzk / Stephen Chiodo / Sinae Park /
Dominic Polcino / Rush Varela / JT Steiny / My Wicked Eyes / Ty Cummings / Steven “Wireboss” Darden / Sean Ghobad / Peter Goode / Eric Sonntag / Meagan Magpie Rodgers / Johnie Thornton / Danelle Vierkant / Javier Soto / Ivonne Escoto / Ai Ohkawara / Hope Doe / Luis Rocha / Edward Cao / Renee Lawter / Magpie / Anthony Stewart / Brian Robertson / Erick Rodriguez / Amanda Dempsey / Jimi Martinez / Mike Bilz / Inga Lena / T.s.. Linzey / Justin Kohn / Josephine Huang / Hans Haveron / Naoko Norimatsu /
Family Reunion: A group show of artists who have held residency at the Hive for at least 6 months in the past and are continuing to work as artists outside of our beehive community!
Paul Torres / Amanda Sage / Mark Posey / Marigrace Albelda / Christine Rasmussen / Ellen Schinderman / Ave Rose / Michael Rosner / Treiops Treyfid / Macsorro / Dominique Lopez / Edyth Gonzalez / Douglas Alvarez/ Tooter / Daniella Batsheva / Stephen Umana / Randy Kono / Sheila Mia Seifi / Tslil Tsemet / Carol Powell /
Alex Schaefer / Maracole / Naoshi / Keith Wong / Leyla Akdogan / Kindred Gottlieb / Miki Yokoyama /
Walt Hall / Christopher McDonald / Graphation / Sarah Stone /
Yanis Zambeis /
NEW AVATARS in HIVELAND: Every year, new artists are allowed to create an avatar for our Hiveland project. Hiveland exists in a parallel universe to the Hive.
It has distinct realms and characteristics where these avatars live, compete, create and play!
Jaime Jiminez / Brad Rhadwood / Anthony “Asirios” West / Gabriel Welch / Ann Lim / Katharina Stenbeck / Jess Jerome / Myron Dyal / Suspiria / Benedigital / Ann Lim / Denise Bledsoe / Maria Oglesby / Marissa Lamour / Dania Street / Stefanie Vega / Paul Whitehead / Dillon Kroe / Stephanie Weitekamp / Sma Litszinger / Mike Boston / Raymond Chu / Leegan / Ray Young Chu / Emma Jacobs / Chinacat 663 / Donna Letterese / Science / Lady Beaver / Julius Eastman / Pascal Cormier / Auberi Zwickel / Abe R. Kummerow / Robert Rosenblum
Middle Room Honey Spun By the Famous: Super Bee
Special Hosting by: Wilkinson the Butler
Live Painting by: Luis Rocha
Live Screenprinting by: Atsuko Yoo
Featured Resident Artists:
Andrew Danielsen / Andi Garcia / Alexis Michael / Arlou Somo / Artrates-agency.com / Christine Rasmussen / Daisuke Okamoto / Gian Flores Norte /
Greg Gould / Jennifer Korsen /Keli-Aylin Arslancan / Ken Dougherty / Marcel DeJure / Nicole Filiatrault / Patrick Haemmerlein / Shinjuku-za / Stephen Holman /
Taku Ichinose / Teod Tomlinson / Vakseen
Resident Artists:
Adi Lopez / Aditi Khosla / Andre Khazraei / Atsuko Yoo / Dante Hill / David Reyes / Doug Meyer / Dulce Brassea / Dulcinea Circelli /
/ Gretchan Ingram / Jane Lee / Jinx Art / J.Salvador / Tarik Hameedi / Katherine Bingley / Keith Wong / Licsi Lichiban / Mary Ancilla Martinez /
Meirav Haber / Mike Street / Nathan Cartwright / PAZ / Sam Salerni / Saori Mitome / Shrine / Stephan Canthal /
Superpao / Tamara Holcomb / Tslil Tsemet / Yanis Zambeis / Ukiyo-E Project
Christopher Ulrich / Nathan Cartwright / Michael Allen / Bill McEvoy / GMONIK / TEWSR / Stephen Holman / Stephanie Weitekamp / Arlou Somo / Steven Lopez
/ Jorge Macswiney ( Macsorro ) / Luciano Martinez / Rick Zar / Teod Tomlinson
Zerah SuhKlimek
Isaac Preciado
Katherine Bingley
John Haley III
Swag Buttons from: The Black Broom at www.theblackbroom.com
Drink Specials: Peking Tavern 10% off drinks for Hive Guests