If you are interested in purchasing any of these fabulous pieces of art please contact sales@hivegallery.com.NOTE: posted artworks may be SOLD so please check on availability with curator. Refresh Art For Sale Past Art for Sale » May 2017- Line Attack 6 Sydtropolis Giraffe and Hot Air Balloon $35 Sydtropolis Wolverine on Speeder Bike $35 Sydtropolis “Grumpy Cat in the Swamp of Sadness” 5x7 $35. Sydtropolis “Sacred Piniata” 5x7 $35. Sydtropolis “Ice Cream” 5x7 $35. Sydtropolis “Marshmallow man on the moon” 5x7 $35. Sydtropolis “Droids and Pegasus” $35 Sydtropolis Mario Bros in Hungry Hippos $35 Sydtropolis Stay Puft in Tokyo $35 Sydtropolis “Freddy Vs. Jason in Log rolling” 5x7 $35. Sydtropolis “Unicorn Cheetah” 6x8 $35. Sydtropolis “Cat Bazooka” 5x7 $35. Sydtropolis “Rubber Ducky Sunset” 5x7 $35. Sydtropolis “Bowser in Batmobile” $35 Sydtropolis “Rick and Morty in Atlantis” 5x7 $35. Sydtropolis “Cameleon with Banana Peel” 5x7 $35. John Mahoney Untitled $1200. Starskee Suave Hive Fortune Teller 11x11 $100. Alex Ramos Heruraha $140 Maria Oglesby God of Yowling To Be Let In $100 E.Trent Thompson Chillen 11x14 $200. Paul Whitehead Silence 18x18 $500. Aaron Gonzalez Urban Camping 12x16 $150. Steve Hernandez Magik 11x18 $250. Laura Castellanos “Firestarter” 8x10 Jonathan Bueno Untitled 16x20 $100 Daisuke Okamoto “Zero Blue” 6x4 Daisuke Okamoto “Zero Yellow“ 6X4 Alex Ramos Heruraha $140 Ashley Urban An Offering 11x14 $428. Christie Shinn Stupid Bitch Ruins Relationships 111x14 $440. Yumiko Awae Ceiling Cheese ,Melting 8.5 x 11 $60. Patrick Thai Illumination (Spiritual Enlightenment) 8x10 $75. Zocraytes Perspectives of Travel 8x11 $600. Ryan Klass◄1234►