If you are interested in purchasing any of these fabulous pieces of art please contact sales@hivegallery.com.NOTE: posted artworks may be SOLD so please check on availability with curator. Refresh Art For Sale Past Art for Sale » May 2014 Sam Ford Thane 12x12 $400 Christopher Ulrich Infinity Graphite on strathmore 12" x 17.5" (plus 3" matte & frame) $1,000.00 Kristina Collantes “Fair” 17x13 $200 Jee Sue (Josephine) Kahng Connections 9x12 $90 Alex Chiu Bunny 11x14 $150 Jack Rabbitt Roxy Morataya Emilio 11x14 $85 Roxy Morataya Phil 14x18 $135 Roxy Morataya Pete 6x8 $35 Roxy Morataya Lizzie 11x14 $85 Roxy Morataya Lou 6x8 $35 Roxy Morataya Maya 11x14 $85 Roxy Morataya Mona 6x8 $35 Roxy Morataya Fiona 11x14 $85 Roxy Morataya Freddy 14x18 $135 Grace Fong "Kaldir" 6"x8", mixed media. $120 Grace Fong "Kiss I" 5"x7", mixed media. $85 Grace Fong "Kiss II" 5"x7", mixed media. $85 Grace Fong "Lamiai" 7"x5", mixed media. $95 Grace Fong "Queen of Swords" 11x14", mixed media. $595 Grace Fong "Valkyrie" 6"x8", mixed media. $120 Grace Fong "Three of Swords" 11"x14", mixed media. $595 Grace Fong "Theriposidae" 7"x5", mixed media. $95 Grace Fong "Shinju" 11x17", mixed media. $695 Grace Fong "Seance" 6"x8", mixed media. $120 Grace Fong "Ceryneia" 7"x5", mixed media. $95 Grace Fong "Monsieur" 6"x8", mixed media. $120 Mika Maekawa Life is Dancing with it's shadow 9x7.5” $250 Mika Maekawa I Am 7.5x9” $200 Mika Maekawa Not Violence, this is Love 10.5x7.5” $300 Mika Maekawa Currently Japan 9x7.5” $230 Michael Divine First World Problem Child Acrylic/Canvas Price on Request Michael Divine Desire Pen & Ink/Paper $55 Michael Divine Dividing the Sum Pen & Ink/Paper $650 Michael Divine Dreaming Pen & Ink/Paper $550◄12345►