If you are interested in purchasing any of these fabulous pieces of art please contact sales@hivegallery.com.NOTE: posted artworks may be SOLD so please check on availability with curator. Refresh Art For Sale Past Art for Sale » March 2011 Mike Bilz $350 Lauren Minco 11” x 14” $240 Christopher Umana 9x12" acrylic on wood $500 Larkin 10” x 13” $300 Scarecrowoven $300 Grace Albelda 18” x 24” $550 David Hollenbach $250 Suzy Engelman Block 9 ½ x 12 ½ $150 Rick Strieck 11” x 14” $300 Christopher Umana 11x14 acrylic on wood $800 Monica Martinez Kevin Sechelski $325 Jinx $100 Maritza Torres $75 Wellington Rawls 8x10 acrylic 200.00 JNGL $150 Andrew Long 11” x 14” $120 Ryan Ebelt “Always Time For Tea” 8” x 8” $250 Yuki Miyazaki Jessica Valencia 12” x 12” $950 Gaia Bracco Wellington Rawls 14x18 acrylic 300.00 Beth Robinson 14” x 11” $400 Amy Kollar Anderson 18" x 24" acrylic $2800 Wellington Rawls 12x12 acrylic 300.00 Christopher Umana 16x20" acrylic on wood $1000 Amy Kollar Anderson 14" x 20" acrylic $3200 Christopher Umana 8x10" acrylic on wood $400 Amy Kollar Anderson 12" x 14" acrylic $1200 Christopher Umana 17x21" acrylic on wood $1000◄123►