If you are interested in purchasing any of these fabulous pieces of art please contact sales@hivegallery.com.NOTE: posted artworks may be SOLD so please check on availability with curator. Refresh Art For Sale Past Art for Sale » July 2023 Josh Stebbins “Bleeky the Clown” 11x14 inches $300 “Love Going Down” by Jared Schwart $199 Christopher Martinez "Moebius Doesn't Dream" Mixed Media/Sculpture 5×5 $150 Liz Lopez “Love is Blind "(El Amor es Ciego) 9"x12" $195 Joanne Chzse-Mattillo "The Silver Mask" H14inches x W11inches x D1inch $150 Joanne Chase-Mattillo "The Warrior In Silver" H14inches x W11inch3es x D1inch $150 Frankie Nobili "Safe Place" 10.5x8x6 $500 Keenan Moore Goodbye Horses 9x12 $250 Skyler Gonzalez “Serendipitous Serenity” 11x14 $300 Tom Foster "Mushroom Dreams" Media: pen and ink 12" x 16" $200 Nicolas Marquez “Self Portrait” 9"x12" $333 Erol Zendis "Erol Zendis Channels Mr Squiggle with the Oddlinez of Oddbodz Genius Andy Hook" $333.00 Lou Ironhand "The Bacterioph-Age" 18x24 $500 Erol Zendis "Enter the Vortex. Exit the Vortex. I Don’t Care." $333.00 Kreepshow “You'd Look Prettier if You Smiled More” 11"x14" $1,350 Redwood Wizard (Gaelon Delfino) “Amethyst” 12”x16” $900 Marc Derden “Charlie Parker: The Musical Sage of the Nuclear Age” 15"x19.5" $300 Erol Zendis "Cosmic Reef Cthulhu" $333.00 Jessica (Klumz) "The Bloom" Acrylic on canvas $200 RavenousArt (J. Simone), Eye of the Beholder, 12x12", $550 Monica Malvi Dollison "The Taming of Leo" 12" x 12" $400 Michael Sanders (SavvyClique) "ExtraTerrestrial Xenoglyphs" Acrylic on Wood Panel 9x12 $800◄1...45