If you are interested in purchasing any of these fabulous pieces of art please contact sales@hivegallery.com.NOTE: posted artworks may be SOLD so please check on availability with curator. Refresh Art For Sale Past Art for Sale » January 2023 Jian Lee The Devil 11x14 $666 Shane Izykowski “The Sun” 8x10 $550 Mika Maekawa “Temperance” 11x14 $400 Susana Timoi The Hanged Man 11x14 $300 Camacho 63 “Lovers” 16x20 with frame $150 print 1 of 50 Michael Koehler “Judgement” 11x14 $950 Scumchoir The Moon 11x14 $1000 Devin Gardner “The Chariot” $200 Larkin Cypher The Devil 4.75x7 $140 Amber Huelasquez The World 11x14 $222 Frau Sakra The Hermit 13.5x16.5 $350 Emma Kolb Lauren Budney “The Emperor” 11x14 $350 Mary Qu Hermit 11x14 Addendum 24 Notorious Nancy The Witch 8x10 $150 Ravenous Art - J. O'Dowd 5 of Wands 14 x 11 inches $450 Skyler Gonzalez Lava and Lightning 8x10 $200 Grecia Balthazar Centipede- 2 of Wands 11x14 $350 Lisa M. Svingos Four of Pentacles 7x11.6 $260 Jessica “Jess” Jerome 4 of Coins 11x14 $180 Jazmin Jude The Fool 11x14 $300 Erick Villegas-Nunez XVII: Tzitzimiti 11x14 $1,000 Lou Ironhand Queen of Swords 11x14 $100` Olesya Volk 11x8.5 Email sales@hivegallery.com for purchase info Thomas Foster Two of Wands “indecision” 12x14 $200 Auriel The Queen of Wands 15x13 $650 Christian Cardiz “3 of Cups” $525 Nayeli Buffi “6 of Pentacles” 16x20 $111 print framed Angel Cruz “Wheel of Fortune”◄12