If you are interested in purchasing any of these fabulous pieces of art please contact sales@hivegallery.com.NOTE: posted artworks may be SOLD so please check on availability with curator. Refresh Art For Sale Past Art for Sale » Hive 15 Year Anniversary Show Lordess Foudre “Return” 12x12/framed print $40 Lordess Foudre “Humanity Option” 12x12/framed print $40 Lordess Foudre “Advertiser Friendly” 12x12/framed print $40 Lordess Foudre “Life Episode” 12x12/framed print $40 Chandler Ford “Boyfriend Heaven” 18x24 $600 Judy Csotsits “Butterfly” 67x34” $1500 Danielle Spires “At Your Service” Lustre Print, 11x14 Danielle Spires $275 unframed, $350 framed Dante Patel “Puzzling Picture” 11x14 $250 Zachary Friedberg "Flash, Bam, Alakazam" 9 x 24 inches $325 Jeffrey Seydel “Warden’s Nightmare” 11x14 $200 Jessica Weber "Bee Peachy" 12" x 12" acrylic on canvas $450 Leah Sarah Bassett Kiss of Honey 18x18 oil on canvas $450 Jessica Finneman “Bee Love” Digital/mixed media Lou Von Hoff “I Beelieve in Love 9x12 $75 Caleb Emerson “It’s Just Mum” 11 X 14 $150 Rebecca Swenson "Untitled" 18x24 $800 Liz Covington “Second and Main” 11x15 $225◄1...34