If you are interested in purchasing any of these fabulous pieces of art please contact sales@hivegallery.com.NOTE: posted artworks may be SOLD so please check on availability with curator. Refresh Art For Sale Past Art for Sale » August 2021 Inikuritus “Fried Egg Painitng” 12” x 12” $450 Joyce Cha “Pink Summer” 8” x 10” $50 Josh Lopata “The Gangs All Here” $125 Grey Coutts “Moonlight Vitual” 18.5” x 9.5” $1500 Ara Azul “Eye love You” 16” x 20” $1777 Tom Foster “All We Are and All We Seem” 16” x 20” $300 CM Addams “Vampira” 8” x 8” $100 CM Addams “Wednesday” 8” x 8” $100 Priscilla Ortiz “This Light May Trigger Your Shadow” 10” x 10” $600 Ivan Melchor “Ultimate Mashup” $900 Carmela Segal “Wild Eyes” 18” x 13” $700 Marc Derden “A Cecil Taylor Trio 1” $175 EACH or $300 pair Liz Covington “The Chief” 16” x 20” $250 Liv Zutphen “The Golden Light of San Francisco” 19”x 23” $350 Daisy Carlene “Juicy” 16x20 $300 A2HD “Within Dispersion” $500 The Contaminator “Tramat” 12.5” x 9.75” $350 The Contaminator “Tramat” 12.5” x 9.75” $350 Flurez Untitled 16” x 20” $150◄123