If you are interested in purchasing any of these fabulous pieces of art please contact sales@hivegallery.com.NOTE: posted artworks may be SOLD so please check on availability with curator. Refresh Art For Sale Past Art for Sale » August 2016- Visionary Art Show Mo Powers Syd 7x14 $200 Jenna Kass Shatter 8x8” $275 Sharyl Noday Rainbow Child 8x10 $525 Brendan Sharkey Untitled 11x14 $800 Jinx Skull Stack $1200 Eric O’Neill Wolf Totem 14x16 $1000 Sarah Rocheleau Hart 11x14 $200 Laura Cosner Resurrection 18x24/ colored pencil on mylar $700 Taylor Hammond The Universe Awakened 10x24 $120 Shoghi Castel de Oro Planetary Tesselation 14x21 $175 Chris Clubb Natural Beauty 11x14 $75 Chris Clubb Yankovic 11x14 $75 Orion Night Walker 6x12 $360 Lana Gentry "The Empty Field" Graphite on Paper 9"x12" graphite on paper $200 Theodore Holdt "If we cease to live, what is singular is that we were here for all." 11"x14" oil on wood $950 Daniel Gutierrez Elefante 18x22 $275 Peca "Universal File" 11"x14", oil on canvas $1100◄123