If you are interested in purchasing any of these fabulous pieces of art please contact sales@hivegallery.com.NOTE: posted artworks may be SOLD so please check on availability with curator. Refresh Art For Sale Past Art for Sale » April 2016- 11 Year Anniversary Peter Goode Johans Dream 16x20 $850. Bill McEvoy F.I.V.E. $500 Bobby Rojas Zekton 8”x10” $200. Rick Strieck The Hollows 9x12 $300. Lizz Lopez Yolandi $850. Clinton Neuhaus Soplstice 16x18 $550. Donna Letterese “Fairy Queen of the Koala Bee-ars 8x10 $300 Ivonne Escoto The Bee Queen 3.5ft tall $2000 Tslil Tsemet Margalitr 16x20 1700. Alex Schaefer Motherland of the Kingbee 12X16 $960. Jimi Martinez Bitty Blue 16x20 $600. Robert Rosenblum Industrial Beehive 18x12 $100 Maria Oglesby Honey Warrior 8.5x11 $100. Auberi Zwicked Be 8x10 $100 Ray Young Chu Ballon Leaf $400. Jamie Jimenez Bee King 14x25 $500. Katharina Stenbeck The Gardener 8x10 $75. Luis Rocha Arabian Dreams 18x24 $2500. Jessica Ward Peace $250 Emma Julia Jacobs I am you 9x11 $200. Mara Cole Flower 8x8 $80. Mara Cole Flower 8x8 $80. Naoshi Queen Bee’s Life 16x20 $800. Mike Bilz Forgotten 11x14 $350. Mike Bilz Gone 11x14 $350. Ellen Schinderman Ghosted 15x22 $600 Yoko D’ Holbachie Milk Bee 8x10 $1000 Apricot Mantle Wolf Drool $250 Edward Cao Capra 9x12 $400. Stephanie Weitekamp Sweet Baphomet 12x16 $270. Michael Rosner Maleficent $660 Emma Rose Laughlin “Sasha Grey” 12”x12” $300. ◄12345►