If you are interested in purchasing any of these fabulous pieces of art please contact sales@hivegallery.com.NOTE: posted artworks may be SOLD so please check on availability with curator. Refresh Art For Sale Past Art for Sale » September 2018 Sma Litzsinger The Destroyer of Light ink and acrylic on antique photograph $350 Terri Berman Hello Friday Acrylic on Canvas $300 Tina Ybarra Procession acrylic on canvas $1000 Andrea Bogdan The Best Man in Government aka Golda Meir acrylic on wood panel $420 Nikita Budkov “She’s Lost Control” 24x18 $2500. Skyler Gonzalez “Eternal Two” 11x20 $250. Bill Bronson “Purple Pussy” 8x8 $200 Bill Bronson “Black Cat” 8x8 $180. Ruben Chavez “Molly” 12x12 $100. Vakseen ‘Savage Perfection” 8x8” $600 Laurel Gerber “My Husband is the Garden” 14x11” $250. Dani Manning “Aimee” 8x10 $250. Melany Meza-Dierks “Hungry Like a Wolf” 24x36 $1850 Luis Tinoco “Bad Habits ,Good Company” 11x14 $500. Abe R. Kummerow “N ECROGUARDIAN 3” 11X14 $500. Maribel Navarro “Milk Madonna Dogma” 11x14 $385. Nina Bays “Dancer ,Lover ,Mother ,Spy” 12x12 $425 Pookie “Lola Lovya Longtime” 18x24 $350. Amanda Huynh “SHARP” 11X14 $350. SOEIPP “Irresistble” 9x12 $600. Sma Litzsinger “The Destroyer & Light” 8x10 $350. Stella Wanshu Deng “Hello Sweetie” 22x15 $5000. Chris Waterman “Cosmic Flirt” 11x14 $200. Jeff Hilbers “Clowny” 11x14 $250. Nicole Aquino “Valente” 11x17 $4000. Dick Cherry “A date with Perseus” 24x24 $250. Merilyn Hernandez “II Women” 10x8” $300 Jel Ena “Immaculatam Conceptionem” 18x24 $800. Alexander Cerda “Fell for your Lines” $750. Sally Jacob “Secrets” 10x10” $400 Tia Kinsman “Mother of Evil” 12.5x18” $500 Bianca Olson “The Amazing Lilo Leilani” 8x10 $175 Jamie Jay “Chillin” 3”x4” $400 Jamie Jay “Zoltar” 4x7x3ft $2000 ◄1234►