If you are interested in purchasing any of these fabulous pieces of art please contact sales@hivegallery.com.NOTE: posted artworks may be SOLD so please check on availability with curator. Refresh Art For Sale Past Art for Sale » Jan 2017 Jennifer Korsen Ten of Wands 11x14 $750. Sam Koji Hale Jack of Wands 11x14 $350 Nicole Filiatraut Knight of Wands 11x14 300. Christie Shinn The Magician 11x14 $500. My Wicked Eyes 2 of Pentacles 11x14 $500 Champoy “What is not but could be if we want to give up what it takes to give a fuck 11x14 $1200. Joe Holliday 4 of Pentacles 11x14 $200 Takuya Ichinose 6 of Pentacles 11x14 $950. Kaoru Samidare 7 of Pentacles 11x14 $500 Sma Litzsinger Otto di Pentacles 11x14 $250. Brian Anthony Moore The Nine of Tentacles 11x14 $200. Eriko Tsogo Page of Pentacles 11x14 $150 Patrick Haemmerlein Knight of Pentacles “Destiny” 11x14 $300 Katherine Bingley Ace of Pentacles 11x14 $120 Jt Steiny 3 of Cups 11x14 $350 Atsuko Yoo 4of Cups 11x14 $200. Armando Norte 6 of Cups- The Future that Never Came 11x14 $300 Sarah Rocheleau 7of Cups 11x14 $350. Ricardo Cisneros VIII of Cups 12x16 $300. Benedigital 10 of Cups 11x14 $333. Rick Strieck Overflowith 11x14 $300. Josephine T.Huang Queen of Cups 11x14 $350 Starskee Suave King of Cups $100. Dillon Kroe Ace of Cups 11x14 NFS Stephanie Weitekamp Three of Swords $450. Jessica “Jess” Jerome 4 of Swords 11x16 $150. Auberi Zwickel Five of Swords 11x17 $100. Gian Norte 6 of Swords 11x14 $150 Emma Rose Laughlin Collection 7 of Swords 11x14 $175. Sunol Golden 8 of Swords 11x14 $65. Lianna England 8 of Swords 11x14 $150 Hope Doe 9 of Swords 11x14 $550 Marissa Lamour 10 of Swords 11x14 $50. Taylor Hammond Page of Swords 11x14 $250. Jennifer Michelle Long Queen of Swords 11x14 $700◄123►